Thursday, September 26, 2013


TITLE - Lovely
AUTHOR - Beth Michele
GENRE - New Adult
RELEASE - September 26, 2013

A moment can change everything…
Ashton Taylor. Six foot one, Dark hair, chiseled jaw, riveting hazel eyes, and a body cut in all the right places. He’s a natural. Things just come easy to him. He’s used to getting everything he wants, excelling at everything he does. The grades, the recognition, the beautiful women. His path was set. A girl, a full scholarship to UC San Diego, and a bright future. To others, his life seemed perfect. But, things are never what they seem, and life, well, at any moment, something or someone can come along and turn it upside down. That something…the death of his father. That someone… Cara Hayward. The girl with the hypnotic eyes, melodic voice, enchanting smile, and lips sent straight from heaven. The girl who doesn’t want to be seen. So what happens when a guy who everything comes easy to, meets a girl who doesn’t come easy? Can he crawl through all the broken glass to find her? Will the girl he discovers deep down be able to see past his perfect exterior? Together, do they have the power to heal one another? Or, could the very thing that brings them together, be the one thing that tears them apart?  



Who am I?
Fuck if I know.
I step out of a scalding hot shower, humidity filling the bathroom, the air weighing so heavy it's hard to breathe.  I can relate.  I wrap a towel around my waist and feel my way to the sink.  Who am I?  This question continues to plague me.  My eyes crawl up to the mirror begging for an answer, but a buildup of moisture prevents me from seeing my reflection.  I place my fists on either side of it, rub the steam off with my palm, and stare.  As I contemplate this question, the only thing I'm left with are blank eyes looking back at me.  I know this shouldn't be, but it is.  I'm a devoted son, responsible brother, trusted friend, excellent student, and a good fuck.  I’ve been told I'm talented.  And I suppose things come easy to me.  My life seems perfect.
There shouldn't be anything missing right?  Wrong.
There is.
I only wish I knew what it was.

I am a wife, a mom, an author, and a lover of all things chocolate, well, anything sweet really. While stuffing chocolate in my face, I enjoy reading young adult and new adult novels furiously, and spending time with my husband and two adorable children who keep me on my peppermint pink painted toes. Those same children who inspire me to tell silly stories that cause hysterical giggles to tumble from their bellies. I love to laugh and love to have a good cry, especially after reading a novel that stretches my soul, one that makes me feel, and lingers in the corner of my heart. I’m a hopeless romantic and a happily ever after fanatic, and I love to write about LOVE. I began writing when I was in middle school, penning anything from short stories, to poetry, and then later moved on to write children’s books. I have now endeavored into New Adult and Contemporary Romance novels and am loving every minute of it. My first novel, Love Love, was released in May, 2013.

LOVE LOVE by Beth Michele is currently on sale for only $0.99 for a LIMITED TIME


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