Sunday, November 9, 2014

#BookBlogWriMo Day Nine: #BlogFlow

Day Nine = our Blogging Workflow - #BlogFlow

     Boy. Blogging flooowwwww. Most of the time, it really doesn't feel like it flows as more than it is like riding in the back of an old pick up truck on the bumpiest red gravel dirt road in Arkansas (the one I grew up on's quite bad!) and if you have ever done that the feeling is exhilarating, but somewhat scary as driving too fast unrestrained in a car can be. 
     What was the point of all that nonsense you ask? Well...that's how blogging can be sometimes. Fun. Exciting. But sometimes the breakneck speed in which we have to do it because of the rest of our real life responsibilities can make it seem daunting as hell...or as daunting as getting the materials for a post you're excited about at 10:53 pm the night before it is to go live....Yes. All of this is true. And accurate and our lives.
     Usually, I guess I would say my main focus when I log on to the e-mail is to see if there are any posts to build. I then move on to the reviews that have went live, and work on posting them to my goodreads page, and the Amazon website, or Netgalley if the book came from there. THEN, I like to keep the three books we're currently reading or about to read on the site, so I update the covers that link to the goodreads page. I have my blog hours broken up throughout the day and evening. My first job is to get our posts out on social media and comb through sales to post to the world. A little later I sift through emails and schedule things or help build posts or write reviews. And then, I update our reviews. And then? I read. 
    All of this is usually late at night, and usually in a Zombie Courtney phase, so I am quite surprised it gets done as accurately as it does. When Shel tells you her work will be so freaking impressed because she does so much more for me than I probably do for her, but I am hoping that maybe someday I'll have less "drama in trauma" (trauma surgeon nurse) and can devote more time to being a bloggy ninja during the day to surprise her when she gets home! Psssh. Court does a shitton--couldn't do what we do without her web know-how.
    Oh, and then there is the reading and actually reviewing of books. We like to stay at least a week ahead on our reading, and our ultimate life goal is to get about a month ahead, so the speed isn't so break neck...but alas, I am unfortunately, usually only about 2-3 days ahead of the calendar. That calendar is my life man. Keeps me afloat!! I am forever trying to organize our reviews by genre, and post our 4 and 5 star reviews somewhere easy to find. It is a work in progress that has lasted most of the is definitely one project I need to make time for again! Yes, I try to work a week or two ahead on our reads, if at all possible, which means trying to get 2-3 novels in a week (if not more!). As we continue to grow and learn, I suspect this will all change, but for now,it works.

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