Sunday, February 8, 2015

Review + Giveaway: Tight by Alessandra Torre



Title: TIGHT

Author: Alessandra Torre

Genre: Erotic Romance

Cover Design: Judi Perkins

Photography Credit: Maksim Gorbunov

Release Date: Feb. 7th 2015


Shel: I really have no idea what to say about Tight. I've been thinking about it all evening--trying to figure out how to explain it without spoiling it and I decided I'm going to K.I.S.S (keep it simple, stupid). Court: Hahaha. That is the cutest thing you've said today. 

Shel: The synopsis does a perfect job of giving you the details--and here's what you should know--I was instantly curious about Riley and Brett and how their fling/relationship would play out. Their chemistry was totally HOT but something was with Brett. Court: Didn't make him any less hot, IMO! I had so many questions-- what was his did what happened happen..who were these people, his "friends"...and all of the hints dropped...WHAT ARE THE ANSWERS?!!! Court: Yes. I tried to avoid thinking about it...because the scenes were so hot, and their relationship development so wonderful...I just was waiting for the shoe to drop but was pretending like my world wouldn't rock when it did. It did...but not nearly so bad as I had originally thought. Very creative...this book...and I loved it immensely. 

Shel: As I rapidly tapped my screen and the pages flew by--the answers came but, MAN. GAH. RILEY...why? Why. And Brett...couldn't you have just said ____ (fill in the blank here). Court: Our answer to this question...Men. That should explain a little of that nonsense. LMao. 

Shel: As I neared the end. I felt so many different things--I will not share here. Because. Spoilers...but know that: Court: What! 

Shel: ..and I feel so much better now. Court: Why, is a standalone novel so we DO get answers. Isn't that such a novelty! hahaha. <3 it.

Shel: I never know what I'm going to find when I open an Alessandra Torre book and I love that about her books. She's always willing to try something new and Tight is unlike any of her other novels. I know all of her fans will love it (as will new fans!). Yep...because the writing is out of this world...the characters, Riley and Brett, and engaging, intriguing and sparks just fly off the pages, and the plot thickened right up. There was so many things we love about her storytelling, and even more new things to love. Hope y'all might enjoy it too! 

Happy Reading.


I was happy in my small town. In my life as a single thirty-two year old woman. I had a good job, wonderful friends, my independence.

I also hadn't got laid in three years. Hadn't been on a date in two. Had stopped counting calories and putting on makeup... a while ago.

Then Brett Jacobs waltzed in. Caressed my thigh, dug rough fingers into my hair, lowered his soft mouth to my skin, took sexual control of my mind and stirred it all around with what he packed in his pants. He dumped my quiet life upside down and crawled into a place in my heart I thought was dead.

The issue is his secret. The issue is her. The issue is that I don't even know she exists, and he thinks she's dead. The issue is that everything is about to hit the fan and I can't hold on to him tight enough.



AT headshot - red dress 

A New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, Alessandra Torre has written seven novels, four of which became #1 Erotic Bestsellers.

Her first book, Blindfolded Innocence, became a breakout hit, rising to the top of the charts on Kindle and Amazon where it attracted the interest of major publishing houses and garnered Torre her first print deal with Harlequin HQN. Less than twelve months later, Torre signed a second print deal, this time with Redhook (Hachette) for her erotic thriller The Girl in 6E.

From her home near the warm waters of the Emerald Coast in Florida, she devotes several hours each day to various writing projects and interacting with her fans on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Happily married and with one son, she loves watching SEC football games, horseback riding, reading and watching movies.

Torre has four books slated for release in 2015. To stay informed, consider subscribing to her popular monthly newsletter


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Giveaway code: (The giveaway is for 5 Prize Packs (signed book + $20 GC) a Rafflecopter giveaway  


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