Tuesday, January 5, 2016


When I initially thought about this post I was thinking about making it author specific. Some of our favorite writers are releasing new books in 2016 and I know are these books are going to be huge hits and I could spend pages rambling about what I hope and want to see. Instead of doing that, though, I'm going to share a few other thoughts.

Unbeknownst to many, Courtney and I had a fairly rough 2015 in our personal lives. We both lost people (through death or unfortunate friendships) we loved, counted on, and trusted. We suffered through some behind the scenes drama that was hurtful, infuriating, and distasteful and we're here through sheer will and determination. 2015 sucked in so many ways but through those hard days, what we both discovered is that there are some really great people out there and those are the people we want to expend our energy on. 

Looking forward, I am eager to continue finding great books and sharing them. Court and I want to try some new things and bring back some of the old things that we miss. We want to not only talk about the writers and the books that we love but to share the music or poetry or images or issues that come to mind when we read. 

I have no idea what our lives will look like a year from now, but I know there will be some great reads, some funny conversations, and hopefully many new book friends who will take the journey with us.

Here's to 2016, y'all.

To the readers of Must Read Books or Die, 

We made it through another year of romance, didn't we? 

My best friend up there really just knows how to light up my day, and make me cry tears of happiness, and sadness (not because of her, but just in remembering things) with her words. She really hit the nail on the head when she said we had a rough year. I have been hating myself for wishing away the end of 2015, but I was so ready for a new year and new beginning to get here. 2015 did indeed see the death of one of my parents and friendships that maybe looked a lot like friendships for the both of us...but turned out to be toxic and soul sucking. And that just really sucked. 

BUT...we have tried to stay the course, read books, held each other up when it gets hard, and really just tried not to overanalyze things. We have so much love for our blog, and the books that we read and it is probably hard sometimes to convey our feelings without being over the top and almost make you gag. But...maybe that's why we want to try to incorporate some vlogs into our schedule, because it would show you just how excited we really are about the books we read, and the authors who create them. Very excited, can't you tell?

When you think about it the book blog and reader community is an awesome and huge place. There are so many books just waiting to be discovered, and sharing each one with love and care, and hopefully 5 stars is what makes our world go round. March 24, 2013 was the day that Must Read Books or Die was born, and we have come a long way in knowing what we want and definitely do not want to be. Here's to you, readers. Much love, and more books. Follow us for the wild and crazy journey that 2016 is sure to be. 


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