Thursday, May 19, 2016

NEW & REVIEW: Wasted Words by Staci Hart

Title: Wasted Words
Author: Staci Hart
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: May 19, 2016


I have tons of notes about this novel and lucky you, you get to read them all. For those of you already rolling your eyes at me and have your finger on the delete button: STOP. I'll give you the quick and dirty version of my love affair with Wasted Words and Staci Hart and the roller coaster of love she put me on (RHCP anyone?!

1. The concept of the book + comic book store + bar is BRILLIANT and if I could find a way to make this a thing, I'd do it now. The singles night at the store= perfect. 
2. Book Girl + Sports Boy--what's not to love?! Why some people feel like these are diametrically opposed is beyond me. Many of us nerd girls love sports--we're not as unusual as you'd think.
3. Cam and Tyler's chemistry/spark/chemistry is 100 A+ and their romance is seriously a roller coaster ride and I loved every second of it, when I wasn't having heart palpitations.
4. The writing was so visual; I'd love Staci Hart to give me a walking tour of her brain so I could see it exactly as she does--or better yet a trip to NYC (and Tyler's house) to see it all in real life. The dialogue and pacing of the plot seemed effortless and if my parents hadn't been in town I bet I would've inhaled this novel in one sitting. 

For those of you willing to humor me, I have a little bit more to say about Wasted Words and Staci Hart.

I'd say Hart keeps getting better but that might mean, to some, that at some point she wasn't always good and that's simply not true. Each novel brings something a little different to the table--each couple has their own unique set of problems that many can relate to and in the case of Wasted Words, I feel like this one is dedicated to all of those of us who feel like we had to 'stay in our lane' for fear of not really fitting in in other places and therefore settling instead of having our dreams. It felt like it was dedicated to those who don't see their own innate wonderfulness and whose flaws are so magnified (in their eyes), or who are so blind to their uniqueness, that the idea that their dream/mate/match could be theirs is something they scoff at. Wasted Words felt like a huge love note to those who love us (with our blinders on)anyway; who fight for us and believe in us and burn with us until we can see what they see. 

I'm sure some who read Wasted Words--those who've never felt the sinking feeling that you just don't quite fit with THAT boy or THAT crowd--may want to fuss at Cam for being so controlling, so frustrating in her refusal to see what Tyler sees in her. It's justified because it is so frustrating but it's also so real and so relatable for so many. 

Also? Thank gawd for Tyler. He's so unflinching in his respect and regard for Cam. His kindness, his heart, his honesty, are just so perfectly what she needed. I hope all the Cams of the world find their Tylers and Tylers find their Cams. I love the mutual admiration and genuine friendship they had. 

I had no idea, until I fully processed it, how much I identified with both Cam and Tyler. This novel resonated and I'll be forever grateful that I found Staci Hart; with each new work I find myself sad to see it end and eager to see what she'll write next. 


Some universal truths refuse to be ignored.

Peanut butter and jelly are a match made in heaven. Spaghetti and meatballs are best friends forever. And guys like Tyler Knight don’t go for girls like Cam Emerson.

She knew from the second she met him that he didn’t belong on her bookshelf, the six-foot-six ex-tight end with a face so all-American, it could have sold apple pie. So she shelved him next to the supermodels and rock stars and took her place on her own shelf — the one with the flannel-clad, pasty-faced comic book nerds. Most of her boyfriends have existed between the pages of books, but rather than worrying over her own lacking love life, she puts all her energy into playing Cupid, using her job at the book bar, Wasted Words, as her stomping ground.

Tyler Knight always looks on the bright side. His career-ending injury turned into a job as a sports agent. A horrible breakup led him to Cam, his quirky, smart roommate who is far more beautiful than she realizes. She’s made it perfectly clear she’s not interested in him — not like that at least — but if she ever changes her mind, he won’t hesitate. Because he doesn’t see the lines she’s drawn between them, as much as she insists that they’re there. Deep down he knows that despite their differences, they’re a match well made.

*A romantic comedy inspired by Jane Austen’s Emma*

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Author Bio

Staci has been a lot of things up to this point in her life: a graphic designer, an entrepreneur, a seamstress, a clothing and handbag designer, a waitress. Can't forget that. She's also been a mom, with three little girls who are sure to grow up to break a number of hearts. She's been a wife, even though she's certainly not the cleanest, or the best cook. She's also super, duper fun at a party, especially if she's been drinking whiskey. Her favorite word starts with f and ends with k.

From roots in Houston, to a seven year stint in Southern California, Staci and her family ended up settling somewhere in between and equally north, in Denver. They are new enough that snow is still magical. When she's not writing, she's sleeping, cleaning, or designing graphics.

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