Sunday, June 12, 2016

REVIEW: Out On Good Behavior by Dahlia Adler


EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE BOOKS IN THIS SERIES, the Radleigh University Series, is 100% A+. Each of the protagonists take us on a different journey of self- discovery and love all the while offering smart dialogue, a diverse cast of characters (in background, race and ethnicity, and sexual orientation), witty back and forth between the friends, and honestly the best significant others I've come across in a long while. I can't think of one reason not to like this series and I love how Out On Good Behavior gives us a final look at the three best friends in this series. 

In Out On Good Behavior we get to meet the friend I've been interested in meeting for a while; I've been curious about Frankie from the very beginning and then in Right of First Refusal my curiosity amped up a million notches as the shared looks between Samara and Frankie became more and more obvious. Reading about Frankie's obvious lust for Sam and her struggle with how to handle it was funny and easy to relate to and incredibly sweet (when I wasn't shouting at her via my Kindle to just freaking TALK to Sam, for fuck's sake). 

There's so much to love about Out On Good Behavior (and the entire series) and while one day I hope that it won't be unusual that we have really well written novels that include characters of color and gender fluidity and who represent all kinds of sexual orientation/preference but until then I feel compelled to point out novels like this one, and say thank you to the writers like Dahlia Adler who give us a really great read that has all of those things and more. 

Frankie Bellisario knows she can get anyone she sets her sights on, but just because she can doesn't mean she should—not when the person she's eyeing is Samara Kazarian, the daughter of a southern Republican mayor. No matter how badly Frankie wants to test her powers of persuasion, even she recognizes some lines aren't meant to be crossed.

But when Frankie learns she's been on Samara's mind too, the idea of hooking up with her grows too strong to resist. Only Sam's not looking for a hookup; she wants—needs—the real thing, and she's afraid she'll never find it as long as Frankie's in her head.

Forced to choose between her first relationship and losing the girl who's been clawing her way under her skin, Frankie opts to try monogamy...under her own condition: 30 days of keeping things on the down low and remaining abstinent. If she fails as hard at girlfriending as she's afraid she might, she doesn't want to throw Samara's life into upheaval for nothing. But when neither the month nor Frankie's heart go according to plan, she may be the one stuck fighting for the happily ever after she never knew she wanted.


Stalk Dahlia Adler here:

Dahlia Adler is an Associate Editor of Mathematics by day, a blogger for B&N Teens by night, and writes Contemporary YA and NA at every spare moment in between. She's the author of the Daylight Falls duology, Just Visiting, and the Radleigh University series, as well as over five billion tweets as @MissDahlELama. She lives in New York City with her husband and their overstuffed bookshelves.

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