Tuesday, September 13, 2016

REVIEW + GIVEAWAY: Rhapsody by Cecilia London



If you are reading this review and you haven't read the first four books in the Bellator Saga: 

DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER...because possible spoilers. Also, if you happen to be reading this and things seem to be missing it's probably the gifs I'm putting in so go to our blog and check them out.

So, if you'd been privy to the messages I sent Cecilia London, you'd see me telling her--

because she was; she was totally killing me with Caroline and her denying Jack at every turn and Jack for doing ..the things he did or didn't do. For the first quarter of this novel I was alternately proud of both of them for the progress they appeared to be making and wanting to kill them for their reactions to setbacks. Basically I felt a little like this: 

It was like an emotional tennis match--at any given time the ball was in one of their courts and I had no idea what they were going to do with it. I knew what I wanted to happen but damnnnn Caroline and Jack were stubborn (or Cecilia London is a torturer of her characters and therefore her readers, haha). But just when I thought I might have to do something desperate, Cecilia London had mercy on her characters (and me) and there was a breakthrough. 

And here's the thing--there was a breakthrough but I didn't know if I could trust it; I was very suspicious and worried that at any moment the good feels were going to go away and I'd be back to despairing again, but the great and merciful Cecilia London had other things in mind: SEX. She had sex on the brain--or at least her characters did. Consider me officially distracted from worrying about Caroline and Jack because this:

Hellooooo Lover. Hello steamy sexy times. *side note here--bravo to Cecilia London for using ACT words in the sexy scenes, my English teacher heart was so proud*

There's the Caroline and Jack we always new and loved. Whew. H-O-Tness. And romance. And action (in every way you're thinking of it)...I was all in:

And I'll just say that the last half of this novel was hard to put down..and then the last page of the novel--

has me all kinds of excited for the last book. I've already begged for it to be the longest one yet--I want ALLLL the things to happen. Some people need to go down, some people need to be found, and some people need to rise up! 

All gif-ing aside, let me just say that I know that a six book series may not be for everyone? I happen to enjoy a long series because it lets me live with the characters longer. In the case of the Bellator Saga we really get to know these characters and feel their grief and their triumph; we get to know their histories; we get to worry and rejoice with them--Cecilia London does not short change us at all. Because she's been so devoted to these characters, really having us experience their story, I feel so invested in where they are, how they are, and what will happen next. I'm eager to see how she's going to handle all of the things I feel like the final book needs to address (see my last line in the previous paragraph) and I'm looking forward to every rise, fall, and curve she's going to give me in the roller coaster that will be Triumph. 

Synopsis (Black) Deja Vu Serif - Legal


"I'm never going to stop loving you, Caroline. It's just not possible." Major Caroline Gerard returns from a dangerous mission battered and bruised. Terrified to confront the emotional and physical gap between her and her husband, she's determined to do whatever it takes to avoid reality.

Commander Jack McIntyre has been tasked with saving American democracy, but he has to save his marriage first. He's desperate to regain the passionate connection that he and his wife once shared. And a man on a mission will sacrifice anything to succeed.

In the meantime, the rebellion is in need of a catalyst to spur international action to stop President Santos’ increasingly unstable behavior. As Caroline and Jack repair their hearts, each day brings new secrets and new challenges, and a revelation that could shatter everything they thought was true.

Rhapsody is the fifth book in The Bellator Saga. It should be read after the first four books in the series.


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Head over to Cecilia's Author page today to see what she will be giving away on #ReleaseDay







Cecilia London is the pen name of a native Illinoisan currently living in San Antonio, Texas. She's filled several roles over the course of her adult life - licensed attorney, wrangler of small children, and obsessed baseball fan, among others. An extroverted introvert with a serious social media addiction, she is the author of The Bellator Saga, an epic, genre-crossing romance series. You can catch all of her quirky updates on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, or at her website.



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