The Things We Leave Unfinished is a definite must read. It's part historical romance, part contemporary romance, and 100 percent hard to put down and immersive.
As I was reading, I kept thinking that I was getting two books in one--the story of Jameson and Scarlett and the story of Noah and Georgia--and it almost feel too good to be true. While their storylines were completely interconnected, it also felt like they were mini-novels on their own. Yarros did a really good job of totally sinking me into one couple's story and then the other without making it feel confusing or like I was having whiplash trying to keep up. If anything, she did such a good job that I always found myself loving the couple's story I was in, impatient to get back to it, only to love the progression of the other couple's story and equally impatient to get back to that one. I have no idea how she managed to keep her sanity balancing it all but I'm so glad she wrote it the way she did. It made for a truly unique reading experience.
Not only was it a reading experience I wasn't expecting, it was also much more emotional than I anticipated. I was verklempt almost the entire time Scarlett and Jameson were together--just waiting for the other shoe to drop--and dang it, the tears! the tears just leaked right out when that shoe did drop. I loved Jameson and Scarlett so much--their entire love story was just so romantic--even if it was what you might expect from a WWII romance in some ways, it never felt cliché or overdone. Equally, fun to read was Noah and Georgia's story. Their snark and snappishness, their stubborn natures, and the chemistry, really all of their story, was so modern and just fun to see how ultimately, resistance was futile.
The Things We Leave Unfinished was one of those reads that I wanted to continue reading long after the last page. I enjoyed reading about these characters and their lives and while their endings were completely satisfactory, I just wasn't ready to say goodbye; just one of many reasons I enjoy Rebecca Yarros's novels and am eager to see what she writes next.