Sunday, August 20, 2023

NEW REVIEW: Son of a Gun by Jay Crownover


I've been loving this series-following the 2nd generation of Marked Men children and now with Son of a Gun, characters from The Point. It's always interesting to see how an author envisions her characters and what they're up to long after their story has been published and while it's been a while since I've thought of some of these characters, it didn't even matter. Jay Crownover did a great job of making Son of a Gun stand alone if you haven't read any of the other novels (or have forgotten characters). 

I'd been waiting for Daire and Campbell's book and it did not disappoint. Ever since they met and seemed to rub each other the wrong way, I knew these two would be fun to read about. They were. Both Daire and Campbell are grappling with finding their way and figuring out who they are in this world, and it works so beautifully because they soon discover that as opposite as they are, their situations are strangely complimentary and can teach them each a little something about how to see things from a different perspective. 

I enjoyed all aspects of their romance-how they were thrown together, how they bond, how they learn from each other and fall for each other. I also enjoyed that their problems were never really with each other, but with those on the outside. It made those inevitable hard moments easy because it was them against the world, and not them against each other. In a novel that had a lot of other drama, it was nice that it was never drama they created to make things worse. 

This mash up of characters and backgrounds worked and I'm so glad that Jay Crownover put these two together on the page; I flew through the pages because of how much fun they were to read.


Heavy is the head that inherits the crown.

The only thing on Daire Archer’s mind when she pulled a disappearing act on Christmas was proving she was worthy of being her father's daughter. She was born an Archer, which was a blessing and a curse, and Daire was determined to show everyone she deserved to carry the legacy that came with her name.

There is power in a name, and being an Archer meant Daire needed to do better, to be better. At least, that’s what she thought she needed, until a boy from nowhere—with a name that meant nothing—showed her that she was already pretty great just the way she was.

Campbell has always rejected everything concerning his maniacal father and his troubled past. When he left Nowhere, he was certain he wanted a nice, quiet life free from the only things he'd ever known: violence and bloodshed. He thought he needed to be a better man. He wondered if there was a kinder, gentler version of himself under his thick armor of scars and tattoos.

It wasn't until he started chasing Daire Archer all over hell and back that Campbell realized he needed to be a man who was better at being bad than everyone else in his troubled world.

Because now, he had a problematic princess to protect. One with an uncanny ability for finding trouble. Where Daire is concerned, being a good guy isn't necessary.


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