Monday, April 22, 2024

The Worst Best Man by Lucy Score


The reason why some reviewers didn't always love The Worst Best Man is exactly why I enjoyed it so much. It's way over the top, shallow fun. It features a poor-ish college student, Frankie, and a kazillionaire, Aiden, who are instantly attracted to each other but want nothing to do with the other. Their best friends' wedding is what throws them together and the shenanigans began. They snark and snipe and poke at each other, as well as laugh and enjoy the other's company. Of course they shouldn't work, and of course, they do. I love how they fall for each other, they support and protect each other, and how the overcome things to end up together.

All in all, a light, fun read. 


The bride is a doll. The groom is the perfect gentleman. But the rest of the wedding party? They're the stuff of nightmares. Rich? Check. Vapid? Double Check. Entitled? Not enough checks in the world. And the Best Man? More like the Worst Man.

But Maid of Honor Franchesca takes her duties seriously. Kidnapped groom? She's got this. Rude attendees? You just watch her handle them. So a Best Man with a big attitude and an even bigger...checkbook? Yeah, there's no way she's going to let that pretentious, judgmental jackhole ruin her best friend's wedding. No matter how sexy he is. (Well, that's the plan anyway...)

Aiden Kilbourn doesn't do long-term relationships. He's busy ruling the business world, and has yet to find a woman he can tolerate for longer than a month, two at the outside, anyway. Conquering the unconquerable is basically his bread and butter. And he hasn't met a challenge that he can't win. But Franchesca Baranski? This smart-mouthed girl from Brooklyn may just be his downfall.


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